God can use anyone. We’ve heard that expression before and we see it throughout the Bible. Often, He uses the least expected, the overlooked, even the unimaginable. We know this to be true. And when we see it play out with that surprising person, it reminds us that the heart of God is full of love and mercy, and that His ways are not our ways.
So in this story God uses a trafficked, pregnant, special needs, 12-year-old to reveal His Glory and draw people to Himself.
She came to us carrying the child of a stranger. The victim of some disgusting people who used her for their own gain – her mother who sold her and the vile pig who paid to violate her. At age 12, and with an innocence that only comes with a special need, we don’t know her understanding of the circumstances that brought her to us. We do know that she understood there was a baby growing inside of her. She knew her sister was expecting as well.
As she approached her due date the doctors had many concerns. Because of her small size, the baby was likely to come early. Because of genetic issues, the baby was likely to have problems. In fact, tests revealed the baby might not live long after birth. The rectum wasn’t formed, the heart had issues, and the kidneys weren’t developing properly. There was little hope for the little baby. The doctors said they would have to perform surgery on a premature baby, with undeveloped lungs and a bad heart, immediately after birth. They also said that the mama’s prognosis was bleak, as well. The outlook was not good. We began to pray.
We were told the baby would be hospitalized for many months, if it lived at all. We were told the baby would need immediate surgery. We were told to plan a funeral, maybe two. But God had different plans.
We prayed for healing, we prayed for safety, we prayed for miracles. And He answered. Not only did He heal the baby completely, He protected mother and child through the birth. Two weeks after reports showed the baby was in danger and the rectum wasn’t formed, she was born fully formed and healthy. But He wasn’t finished.
Guatemala has one of the worst maternal death rates in the world due to dirty hospitals and lack of care. The public hospitals are notoriously dangerous and inadequate. And this one proved to be, as well. Shortly after giving Caesarean birth, our new mother developed an infection deep in the incision. The quality of care is debatable, but the danger was evident. For two days, with a high fever, our girl suffered. The infection became so bad, the doctors told us she would need a hysterectomy to save her life. So we prayed again.
Almost immediately, the infection disappeared. Our new mama walked away from the hospital a few days later. God had healed her too, but He still wasn’t finished working.
The same doctors and nurses who ridiculed and berated our girl for getting pregnant, had their hearts changed. We’re calling it a miracle as well. By the end, they not only had fallen in love with our new mama, they presented her with gifts before she was dismissed from the hospital. God healed their hearts.
God can use anyone.